is a dynamic database of 12000+ recent exam style questions in the
form of question bank and mock tests for preparation of major medical PG entrance exams such as AIPGMEE, AIIMS, DNB-CET, UPSC and JIPMER.
MyPGMEE is authored by renowned Subject Matter Experts like Dr. Mudit Khanna, Dr. P.L. Dhingra, Dr. U
Satyanarayana, Dr. Sushanta Bhanja and Dr. Rajeev Kumar.
Mudit Khanna, lead Author of, stands out as one of the
most innovative writers of the modern era whose strategic ideology changed the
way all students aspiring for a position in All India Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination (AIPGMEE) have prepared for their exams
over the past decade.
Salient features of MyPGMEE:
- IntelloTesting ® Platform gives fexibility of choosing study approach, creating subject-wise or organ system-wise tests
- Simulated Test Environment modelled to replicate real exam experience Intelligent Tracking to track and improve your performance in AIPGMEE
- National, State and City Ranking
- Bookmarking and referenced explanations